The following items can be purchased by filling in the form below, or through our CONTACT form.
Due to limited quantities of certain items, we will confirm your order before accepting payment.
Orders MUST be paid for in advance by Etransfer or by Cash or Cheque at time of pick up.
Please Note: Food items will NOT be shipped.
For our Toronto customers - Many of our food items, meat, fresh produce and craft items will be available for sale at Easy Health Food Store, located at 1276 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6H 1N8, 416-474-2526 (
Seasonal Garlic Cloves
Hungarian variety, typically smaller in size, but very potent in garlic taste as proven in all the preserves we have used it in. Whether you are purchasing for personal use, cooking or for seed garlic, you can't go wrong.
$12.00 per lb. or $10.00 per lb. for orders over 30 lbs.
San Marzano Paste Tomatoes
San Marzano tomatoes are a variety of plum tomato revered for flavour and use in canning. These tomatoes are famed for their balanced flavour that combines sweetness, meatiness and just the right amount of acid.
$2.00 per pound
$50.00 for half bushel (25 lbs)
$100.00 for full bushel (50 lbs)
Mixed Field Tomatoes
A mixed variety of field tomatoes that are great for slicing, dicing and canning. This mixture combines paste tomatoes with one of our favourites, speckled roma which is an incredibly tasty tomato, along with purple and red varieties of heirloom tomatoes for added sweetness.
$2.00 per pound
$50.00 for half bushel (25 lbs)
$100.00 for full bushel (50 lbs)